we are equity u.

making evidence-based gender equity education affordable & accessible for all

our Mission

We are redefining the model of women’s leadership education and equipping women, organizations, and allies with the  knowledge, tools, and support to eradicate gender bias. 



The research overwhelming supports what we know to be true: women are inherently powerful, effective leaders. Gender inequality in the workplace is not a function of women lacking certain behaviors or holding certain perceptions or beliefs. The biggest barriers to women’s equality are organizational, social, and political barriers that impede women’s advancement.

We are committed to providing leadership education that:

  • Works to change the organizational, social, and political barriers that impede women’s advancement, never the women. 
  • Recognizes and centers the unique barriers and discrimination that women of color face. 
  • Makes all who identify as women feel included and equally supported. 
  • Celebrates that ‘leadership’ looks different for everyone. Some women aspire to obtain a CEO position, others aspire to the next level in the organizational hierarchy. All are welcome here.
  • Adopts an intersectional lens, acknowledging that identities such as race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, age, religion, and ability impact our experiences in the workplace.
  • Remains committed to accessibility and affordability, ensuring all who are interested in advancing gender equity can participate.
  • Builds allyship and partnerships with other organizations and individuals working to advance gender equity.
  • Utilizes the best available research on gender equity, teaching and learning, and organizational change. 


our Company

Founded in 2020, Equity U is a female-owned start-up based in Lansing, Michigan.

Our FOunder

Kayla Gross

Kayla Gross